
The Faraday Group Blog

Check out the latest in electrical on our blog. We write about what we do, and provide useful tips for our clients.

Commercial or Industrial Electricians

What Are The Differences? This is a question we've heard a lot over the years. Just being an electrician doesn't mean you can handle anything to do with electrical work. Residential electricians will deal with different problems to commercial electricians, and commercial electricians will deal with different types of problems to industrial electricians. But Read More

Top Electrical Maintenance Tasks for Warehouses

Electrical Maintenance in Your Warehouse A big part of being confident that your warehouse is running as smoothly as it should is knowing that all your electrical systems are being maintained properly. The problem is knowing what you should be getting done with that maintenance, so we've put together this super useful blog post to Read More

Underground Service Lines vs Overhead Power Lines

Underground and Overhead Power Supply Following on from our last article about Overhead Power Lines, we wanted to also touch on Underground Power and compare the two. In most new housing estates, power runs via underground service lines to each house. Not only does this make the suburb look more appealing, without cables all over Read More

Our Quick Guide to Proper Pendant Lighting Placement

Positioning Your Pendant Lights Perfectly! Pendant lights are a super popular and stylish way to add some luxury to a home without spending a small fortune. As specialists in lighting installs, we've worked with our fair share of pendant lights. We've installed some super cheap pendants, and we've installed pendants that have come from Europe Read More

What is a DALI system (and why should I care)?

DALI Systems Explained DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) is a really cool system to control lights. It's based on specifications developed by some of the leading lighting manufacturers around the world. Why does that matter? Read on and find out! What is DALI? DALI stands for Digital Addressable Lighting Interface. It's a two way communication Read More

How to find a good commercial electrician

What Makes a Great Commercial Electrician? It should come as no surprise that we do a lot of commercial electrical work. I mean, we've worked on projects ranging from fixing up some minor wiring issues, to complete shop fitouts, to warehouse LED lighting upgrades, through to revamping entire shopping centres. Over the years, we've collaborated Read More

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