Power Saving Tips for Warehouses

Published On: March 19, 2019

We do a lot of work for warehouses, and they’re usually pretty good clients for us.

They’re big, they have a lot of equipment, and everything has to run properly so they don’t lose money.

With everyone wanting to be more green, we thought we’d put together this post to demonstrate some power saving tips for warehouses.

Tip 1: Switch to LED Lighting

We’ve written about LED lighting a few times in our blog, and for good reason.

LED lighting gives you the same (or better) lighting than halogen or HiD lights for a lot less energy usage, and they last a lot longer.

Not only that, you can also take advantage of the energy savings scheme when you make the swap.

The biggest problem with LED lighting isn’t the lighting, funnily enough. It’s the sheer number of people out there trying to rip you off (in fact, it made us write a post about how to avoid getting ripped off with LED lighting upgrades).

Tip 2: Use Sensors and Timers

Machines cost money to run, so why would you run them when you don’t need to?

Imagine every night you’ve got conveyor belts running, or in general machines are still on and drawing power. EVERY NIGHT.

What sort of impact would that have on your power bill? (hint: a big one).

You can use sensors and timers to make sure your machines don’t run when you’re not there or don’t need them to (for example, overnight).

Tip 3: Maintain your Machines!

We can’t stress this enough – maintenance is bloody important! 

Just like servicing your car, servicing your machinery and equipment keeps it running in tip top shape. 

If your machines aren’t running efficiently, it’s going to take more energy to power them. Not to mention, you run the risk of them breaking which is going to cost you even more!

Tip 4: Testing Helps Identify Issues

Regular testing of your equipment can help identify issues with power draw that you wouldn’t otherwise notice.

The example we use all the time is you can easily notice if a tap is leaking water, but it’s really hard to notice if a device is leaking electricity. Usually a device leaking electricity is an indicator of a larger problem that, if not fixed, could escalate into something that could cost some serious money.

That’s why most smart business owners conduct regular testing of their equipment to pick up on faults and issues before they get worse.

Extra advice: usually your air conditioning and ventilation systems are massive culprits.

Tip 5: Insulate

Heating and cooling can be a major cost in warehouses. 

Improving your insulation can help retain heat when it’s cold and keep the heat out when it’s hot, which means less time running your expensive air conditioning systems!


There we have 5 tips to help you reduce the power bills in your warehouse. Of course, if you need a good warehouse electrician in Sydney, we’d love to speak to you!

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